Project Plant '22 App

Growing Up

Growing up in NYC, it could be hard to make a connection to nature. Despite being a self-admitted hippie and Sustainability major, it wasn't until I had my first organic strawberry while volunteering at Quail Hill Farm out east, that it really clicked. But why did I need to travel 60+ miles to see real food?That one day led to an obsession with green roofs and summers of independent research, which culminated in an intern experience at Stony Brook Heights, where we challenged the reputation of hospital food on a rooftop farm.And just like that, I was hooked. A few short years later, I met Andy Creath of Green Roofs of Colorado at a Green Roof for Healthy Cities event in Denver, and earned the respect of a mentor/employer for years to come.Together we were able to install more than 200,000 sq. ft of green roofs throughout the Front Range of Colorado, including green roofs for the Rockies, Denver Police Department, and 2 hospitals in Boulder.This allowed me to help design/build/install and later manage one of the first rooftop farms in Denver history, Larimer Uprooted and start a green roofing podcast, Raising The Roof.After moving back home in 2022, I hope to take some of what I learned out West to create climate resilient green spaces stocked with perennial drought-tolerant plants right here in NYC.


Here are some more pictures from notable projects:

Moving Forward

Next up is obtaining Green Roofing Professional Certification and getting involved here in New York City. Would love to use my permaculture and design skills to help you build the rooftop amenity of your dreams. If this is of interest to you please feel free to reach outYou can use the Project Plant App right now to imagine the garden space of your dreams, designed with mostly native perennials. Just drop in your city and let the app do the rest. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Project Plant App


Curious to learn more? Send me a message. Let's figure out a time to chat!


Really appreciate your inquiry. Looking forward to speaking with you. Chat soon!